IBM Watson Advertising wanted to showcase their AI weather insights tool, Weather Targeting, at the Cannes Lions 2022 festival to demonstrate the power of weather insights and AI to advertisers. The challenge was to change the perception that weather data lacks depth and is unable to produce significant results in advertising.


Weather is a relative phenomenon, and IBM Watson Advertising Weather Targeting uses machine learning to recognise what the weather "feels like" and how consumers in specific areas are likely to react. By leveraging real-time and historical weather data from The Weather Channel, the tool creates targeted campaigns without relying on third-party cookie data.


To demonstrate the relativity of weather data and the cultural aspect that changes consumer behaviour in different locations, IBM Watson Advertising created a three-floor experience in a gallery, just off La Croisette, for customers and leads to explore their products and services. The experiential area on the first floor showcased a rotating dial with a caption "The world's most accurate forecaster" that the audience turned to activate the story. The experience showed how AI can surface deeper insights in advertising by using the relationship between weather, location, and complex data sets.


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