Every New Year Orange provides its employees and COMEX members with a greeting card to send to their corporate commercial contacts. This year the card needed to do more than send New Year greetings from Orange, it needed to showcase a new strategic brand refresh called 'Essentials 2020' a new ethos of Listening and Responding. Ultimately showing what matters to people.


Orange were ramping up social media credentials with a Social Hub in Paris and every COMEX member had been given a Twitter account. We proposed a 'phygital' greeting card mechanic that began with a gift card, combining printed media with an online experience driven by social media so they could wish Happy New Year in a digitally innovative way.


An idea born of traditional Taiwanese sky lanterns, 'Orange Wishes' is a new and unique way to send Happy New Year wishes to other people using printed lanterns as cards enabled to fulfil in digital. Through a QR code, physical lanterns are transformed into digital lanterns that can be launched from anywhere on earth through a virtual online landscape experience. This digital lantern metaverse uses weather data from 24000 centres around the world to influence the lantern journey using a bespoke algorithm. The more likes each lantern gets on social media, the more fuel it receives and the further the lantern would fly.


IBM Cannes Weather Experience


Virgin Media Business